Malfroy School, Rotorua, New Zealand
An evidence-based approach
In this practical workshop, build your pedagogical content knowledge to implement explicit spelling instruction using a multi-tiered system of support.
Informed by her extensive research and coaching, Dr Daffern draws on Triple Word Form Theory to provide examples of targeted spelling instruction that connects with the instruction in handwriting, vocabulary and sentence-level grammar.
Workshop content includes
- Why high-quality spelling instruction and learning to spell is important.
- What is Triple Word Form Theory?
- Key features of a quality, multi-tiered system of support for spelling instruction.
- Using valid and reliable spelling error analysis data to inform multi-tiered instruction.
- Teaching the phonological component of spelling.
- Teaching the orthographic component of spelling.
- Teaching the morphological component of spelling.
- Teaching cross-mapping skills.
Included: Includes a light morning tea and lunch
Note: This workshop is specifically for an audience of teachers employed in schools only. As such, the workshop is not open for education consultants or private tutors/specialists to register and attend.
Payment: The workshop pricing is in Australian Dollars (AUD), however payment can be made via PayPal or Credit Card using New Zealand Dollars (NZD). If you would prefer to be invoiced for payment via Direct Deposit, Credit Card or PayPal in NZD, please contact Dr Tessa Daffern via email.
Explicitly teaching the components of spelling
February 13, 2025
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Malfroy School, Rotorua, NZAn evidence-based approach