CoST Online Pseudo-word: All Components

$100.00 inc. GST

Online Components of Spelling Test (CoST): Pseudo-word version – All 3 Components (Phonological (Ph) + Orthographic (Or) + Morphological (M))

Pseudo-Word Test Overview (link will open in a new tab)

Components of Spelling Test Manuals & Dashboards (CoSTEY and CoST)



The online Components of Spelling Test (CoST): Pseudo-word version is a valid and reliable norm-referenced dictation spelling assessment based on Triple Word Form Theory. It uses a structured and systematic error analysis technique designed to measure three spelling components underpinning Standard English. There are three Subscale Tests:

  1. Phonological component of spelling (Ph)
  2. Orthographic component of spelling (Or)
  3. Morphological component of spelling (M)

There are two versions of this assessment:

  • CoST: Pseudo-word version for students in Year 3 and 4
  • CoST: Pseudo-word version for students in Year 5 and 6, or older students if needed.

Use this measure for efficient and accurate diagnostic, comparative and progress monitoring purposes. Australian norms are included.

The online format provides automated error analysis, saving teachers considerable time. Students type the words to dictation and their responses are automatically analysed using spelling error analysis technology. Printable scoring templates are also included for the option to manually analyse errors if needed.

A detailed Error Analysis Report is provided for each Subscale Test. The Error Analysis Report is presented in an Excel file. It includes raw scores, percentiles, standard deviations, and the words that each student in the class attempted.

 Steps for placing your order and using the online assessment:

  1. Place an order by selecting Individual Subscale Tests or all Three Subscale Tests. Be sure to specify the name of your school, the contact person at the school, and an email address.
  2. We will then contact the school contact person with further instructions and provide all the information needed to administer the assessment online.
  3. Students in the registered class(es) will then be allocated a secure ID to access the online platform.
  4. The teacher then administers the assessment to the group of students, following the assessment protocols that will be provided.
  5. When all students have completed the assessment, the school contact person emails us at to request the Error Analysis Report(s).
  6. The Error Analysis Report(s) will then be prepared, and access will be provided to the school (usually within 2-4 business days).