Tax Invoice


PO Box 4206
Shellharbour NSW 2529

ABN: 18 516 012 857

Tax Invoice Number INV-202406
Tax Invoice Date January 11, 2024
Due Date February 9, 2024
Total Due $2,288.00
St Joseph’s Primary School Warragul

167 Burke Street
Warragul, Vic 3820

Phone: 03 5623 2943
Camillo Redi - Deputy Principal

Dr Tessa Daffern Teaching Resources

  1. x8 CoST Manuals
  2. x8 CoST Teacher Dashboards Bundle 1 (2024)
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
8 Components of Spelling: (CoST 2nd Edition) Manual

RRP $250 each; discounted rate: $176 per manual including GST and delivery.

8 CoST Teacher Dashboard Bundle 1 (2024) $100.00$800.00
Sub Total $2,080.00
GST $208.00
Total Due $2,288.00