The Components of Spelling
The Components of Spelling: Instruction and Assessment for the Linguistic Inquirer is an evidence-based resource for primary and middle school classroom educators. This practical manual offers a framework most suitable for Years 3 to 6 teachers who seek to plan and implement explicit and systematic spelling instruction that caters for diverse learners in a classroom.
Teaching Writing
A comprehensive introduction to teaching writing to upper primary and young adolescent students in a screen-based world. Teaching Writing outlines evidence-based principles of writing instruction for upper primary students and young adolescents. It presents strategies that are ready for adoption or adaptation, and exemplars to assist with designing and implementing writing lessons across the middle years of school.
Linguistic skills involved in learning to spell
Daffern, T. (2017). Linguistic skills involved in learning to spell: An Australian study. Language and Education, 31(1), 307-329. doi:10.1080/09500782.2017.1296855
Daffern, T. (2021). The components of spelling: 3-6. Instruction and assessment for the linguistic inquirer, 2nd Edition. Shell Cove, Literacy Education Solutions Pty Limited. ISBN: 978-0-6483430-3-5
Daffern, T. (2021). The components of spelling: Early Years. Instruction and assessment for the linguistic inquirer. Shell Cove, Literacy Education Solutions Pty Limited. ISBN: 978-0-6483430-1-1
Daffern, T. (2021). The little compendium of Standard English spelling. Shell Cove, Literacy Education Solutions Pty Limited. ISBN: 978-0-6483430-2-8
Edited Book
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. M. (Eds) (2020). Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years. Routledge.
Book Chapters
Daffern, T. (in press). Written language conventions in the curriculum and pedagogy. In. E. Rata (Eds), Research Handbook on Curricula and Education. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. M. (2020). Introduction to teaching writing in the middle years. In T. Daffern, & N.M. Mackenzie (Eds), Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years (Chapter One). Routledge.
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. M. (2020). Theoretical perspectives and strategies for teaching and learning writing. In T. Daffern, & N.M. Mackenzie (Eds), Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years (Chapter Two). Routledge.
Daffern, T., & Anstey, M., & Bull, G. (2020). What is involved in the learning and teaching of writing? In T. Daffern, & N. M. Mackenzie (Eds), Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years (Chapter Four). Routledge.
Mackenzie, N. M, & Daffern, T. (2020). Supporting meaning-making through vocabulary. In T. Daffern, & N.M. Mackenzie (Eds), Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years (Chapter Seven). Routledge.
Daffern, T. (2020). Supporting meaning-making through spelling. In T. Daffern, & N. M. Mackenzie (Eds), Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years (Chapter Nine). Routledge.
Daffern, T., Baker, E., & Barlow, L. E. (2020). Teaching writing across disciplines: The upper primary school years. In T. Daffern, & N. M. Mackenzie (Eds), Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years (Chapter Twelve). Routledge.
Ryan, M., & Daffern, T. (2020). Assessing writing: Teacher-led approaches. In T. Daffern, & N. M. Mackenzie (Eds), Teaching writing: Effective approaches for the middle years (Chapter Fifteen). Routledge.
Daffern, T. (2018). Editorial skills: Spelling. In N.M Mackenzie., & J. Scull (Eds), Understanding and supporting young writers from birth to 8 (pp. 116-136). Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Daffern, T. (2018) Spelling Assessment, Learning, and Instruction in VET. In: McGrath S., Mulder M., Papier J., Suart R. (eds) Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Developments in the Changing World of Work. Springer, Cham.
Journal Articles
Daffern, T. (2022). Empowering teachers with an evidence-based spelling pedagogy. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 27(2)
Daffern, T., & Fleet, R. (2021). Investigating the efficacy of using error analysis data to inform explicit teaching of spelling. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties. 26(1), 67-88. DOI:10.1080/19404158.2021.1881574
Daffern, T., & Sassu, A. (2020). Building morphological foundations. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 25(3), 35-37.
Daffern, T., Thompson, K., & Ryan., L. (2020). Teaching spelling in context can also be explicit and systematic. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 25(1), 8-12.
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. M. (2019). A case study on the challenges of learning and teaching English spelling: Insights from eight Australian students and their teachers. Literacy. doi: 10.1111/lit.12215
Daffern, T., & Ramful, A. (2019). Measurement of spelling ability: Construction and validation of a phonological, orthographic and morphological pseudo-word instrument. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. doi: 10.1007/s11145-019-09976-1 [share link:]
Daffern, T. & Critten, S. (2019). Student and teacher perspectives on spelling. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 42(1), 40-57
Daffern, T. (2018). Innovative linguistic inquiries in the primary classroom. Practical Literacy: The Early and Primary Years, 23(1), 10-13
Daffern, T. (2017). Linguistic skills involved in learning to spell: An Australian study. Language and Education, 31(1), 307-329. DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2017.1296855
Daffern, T., Mackenzie, N. M. & Hemmings, B. (2017). Testing spelling: How does a dictation method measure up to a proofreading and editing format? Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 40(1), 28-45
Daffern, T., Mackenzie, N. M, & Hemmings, B. (2017). Predictors of writing success: How important are spelling, grammar and punctuation? The Australian Journal of Education, 61(1), 75-87. DOI: 10.1177/0004944116685319
Daffern, T. (2016). What happens when a teacher uses metalanguage to teach spelling? The Reading Teacher, 70(4), 423-434 DOI: 10.1002/trtr.1528
Daffern, T. (2015). Helping students become linguistic inquirers: A focus on spelling. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 23(1), 33-39.
Daffern, T. & Mackenzie, N (2015). Building strong writers: Creating a balance between the authorial and secretarial elements of writing. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 23(1), 23-32.
Daffern, T., Mackenzie, N., & Hemmings, B. (2015). The development of a spelling assessment tool informed by Triple Word Form Theory. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 38(2), 72-82.
Selected Conference Papers and Seminars
Daffern, T. Invited speaker: Responding to the Challenges of Learning and Teaching Spelling. South Australian Education Department Literacy Summit (February, 2020)
Daffern, T. Invited keynote: What makes a difference to student learning: The importance of phonological awareness. Early Action for Success Conference for Instructional Leaders, Sydney (September, 2019)
Daffern, T. Invited seminar: Supporting teachers to teach spelling in the early years. Early Action for Success Conference for Instructional Leaders, Sydney (September, 2019)
Daffern, T., & Ramful, A. The development of a pseudo-word spelling test informed by Triple Word Form Theory. European Conference on Educational Research, Italy (September, 2018)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. When learning to spell is challenging: Insights from an Australian primary school context. European Conference on Educational Research, Italy (September, 2018)
Daffern, T. The art of using error analysis techniques to help build spelling skills. ALEA/AATE National Conference Perth (July, 2018)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. The art of teaching transcription skills in the early years of school. ALEA/AATE National Conference Perth (July, 2018)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. Perils of learning to spell: Insights from eight Australian children and their teachers. In symposium, Spelling in different languages: Do we speak and write the same language? International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, Ghent, Belgium (July, 2018)
Daffern, T. Beyond a phonics test: Measuring performance in spelling. Australian Association for Research in Education, Canberra (November, 2017)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. Difficulties in learning to spell. Australian Association for Research in Education, Canberra (November, 2017)
Daffern, T. Measuring spelling competence: Proofreading and editing, or production from dictation? In symposium, The role of spelling research in the advancement of public good. European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Finland (August-September, 2017)
Daffern, T. Innovative linguistic inquiries in the primary classroom. ALEA/AATE National Conference, Hobart (July, 2017)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. Is there space for language conventions in cutting edge writing instruction? ALEA/AATE National Conference, Hobart (July, 2017)
Daffern, T. Phonological, orthographic and morphological representations: Spelling acquisition in 8 to 12-year-old Australian children. In symposium, Spelling across Languages. International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, Texas (June, 2016)
Daffern, T. Spelling out their stories: What can we learn about spelling from the voices of children and their teachers? ALEA/AATE National Conference, Adelaide (July, 2016)
Daffern, T., & Hemmings, B. Students’ linguistic transitions in spelling between Grades 3 and 6. European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest (September, 2015)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. Does Triple Word Form Theory provide a useful framework from which to assess proficiency in spelling? European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest (September, 2015)
Daffern, T. Spelling out assessment: The development and testing of an innovative tool. European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Cyprus (August, 2015)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. Does proficiency in spelling, grammar and punctuation predict success in writing? European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Cyprus (August, 2015)
Daffern, T. Nurturing a personal curiosity of words: A focus on spelling. ALEA/AATE National Conference, Canberra (July, 2015)
Daffern, T., & Mackenzie, N. Explicitly teaching spelling strategies: Does it lead to compliance or curiosity? ALEA/AATE National Conference, Canberra (July, 2015)
Daffern, T. Learning to spell in the middle and upper primary school years: A mixed methods study. Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University, MURDR Seminar Series, Sydney (6th May)
Daffern, T. Predicting success with writing: Implications for classroom practice. Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Conferences, ‘Write Now!’, Sydney City and Parramatta (May & June, 2015)
Daffern, T. Spelling in the primary school years: An Australian context. ALEA/AATE National Conference, Darwin (July, 2014)
Mackenzie, N., & Daffern, T. Building strong writers: Creating a balance between the authorial and secretarial elements of writing. ALEA/AATE National Conference, Darwin (July, 2014)
Selected Professional Learning Consultancies
2020 NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), Curriculum and Assessment Standards: Invited advisor for review into NSW English Syllabus
2020 Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA): Invited reviewer and advisor for Literacy Learning Progressions
2020 NSW Department of Education Early Action for Success (EAfS): Design and delivery of the Professional Learning Pathway: Assessment informed practices for analysing and teaching spelling in the early years (72 schools across NSW)
2020 Department of Education, South Australia. School partnership professional learning series on spelling, oral language and phonological awareness
2020 Learning Difficulties Australia webinar: Assessment-informed practices in teaching spelling
2020 Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE): Invited advisor for report into approaches to teaching spelling across NSW schools.
2019-2020 Catholic Schools Sydney, Inner Western Sydney region: Professional Learning seminars and workshop series on writing and spelling
2019 NSW Department of Education: Design and delivery of Professional Learning eLearn Modules: Focus on Creating Texts
2019 Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (South Coast Local Council: November): Teaching Spelling in the Primary Years.
2019 Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA), Workshop Series: Contemporary Perspectives in Learning and Instruction in Spelling (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra)
2019 Pembroke School, South Australia: Teaching encoding and decoding skills
2019 Annesley Junior School, South Australia: Using Error Analysis Data to Inform Literacy Teaching
2019 McKinnon Primary School, Melbourne: Developing a whole-school approach to teaching spelling
2018 Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (Riverina-Murray Local Council: 21st June): Teaching Spelling in the Primary Years.
2018 Primary English Teaching Association Australia Seminars: Contemporary Perspectives on Learning and Instruction in Spelling (various locations across ACT and NSW).
2018 Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) Accredited workshops: Data-driven Teaching and Personalised Learning in Spelling: Blue Gum Community School, Watson; Miles Franklin School, Evatt; Macgregor Primary School, ACT; Giralang Primary School, ACT; Hawker Primary School; Wanniassa School (January – June).
2017 Workshop for St. John the Baptist School. Literacy Inquiries & Individualised Learning (Maitland NSW: December, 2017)
2017 Workshop for Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Schools. Learning and Instruction in Spelling (Newcastle: July)
2017 Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA), Workshop Series: Contemporary Perspectives in Learning and Instruction in Spelling (Canberra: April – October)
2017 Workshop for Mt. Carmel School. Literacy Inquiries (Yass NSW July)
2017 Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) Accredited workshops: Data-driven Teaching and Personalised Learning in Spelling (January-February): Canberra Girls Grammar School and St. Thomas More’s Primary School, ACT
2016-2018 Critical Friend (ongoing consultations and literacy workshops for teachers) at Macquarie Primary School, Miles Franklin School, Gordon Primary School, Bonython Primary School, Evatt Primary School, Mount Rogers Primary School and Radford College (ACT)
2016 Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA), Spelling Workshops across Canberra. Contemporary Perspectives in Learning and Instruction in Spelling (April – July)
2016 Plenary: Combined Literacy and EAL/D Forum: A Focus on Spelling, Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning, ACT Education Directorate (November)
2016 TQI accredited Professional Learning Workshops on Spelling for staff at Gordon Primary School, Bonython Primary School and Lyneham Primary School
2015-2016 Professional Learning Seminars and Consultations at Mile Franklin School, ACT. An examination of spelling in Years 3 to 6: Research findings
2015 Seminar presented to teachers at the TQI, ACT. Spelling in the Primary School Years (January)
2015 Professional Learning Workshop at Evatt Primary School, ACT. Instruction and Assessment in Spelling (January)
2015 Professional Learning Seminar at St. Francis of Assisi Primary School, ACT. An examination of spelling in Years 3 to 6: Research findings (January)
2014 Doubleday, R., Murrell, L., & Daffern, T. Protect your work! Intellectual property, commercialisation of your research and legal issues DocFest, Charles Sturt University
2014 Daffern, T. Three Minute Thesis: What’s it all about? DocFest, Charles Sturt University
2014 Seminar series TQI, ACT. Spelling in the Primary School Years: Part One and Part Two (May – October)
2014 Professional Learning In-service at Radford College, ACT. An inquiry approach to spelling (May)
2014 Professional Learning Workshop at the Islamic School of Canberra, ACT. Teaching spelling and vocabulary: A whole school approach (May)
2014 Professional Learning In-services and mentoring at Arawang Primary School, ACT. Teaching spelling and vocabulary: A whole school approach (January – March)
2013 Daffern, T. An examination of spelling in the middle and upper primary years of school. Higher Degree by Research Forum, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst
2013 Daffern, T. Spell WRITE … right? Spelling in the middle and upper primary school years. Three Minute Thesis Competition, Charles Sturt University
2013 Daffern, T. An examination of spelling in the middle and upper primary years of school. Endorsement of PhD Candidature, Charles Sturt University